by Dave Dugdale
– Pilotfly H2 = $998 CameTV Single = $988
– CameTV Single payload is 1,200g.
– Pilotfly H1+ payload is 1,200g.
– Pilotfly H2 payload = 2,200g
– Sony a7rii = 625g, Sony 10-18mm =225g. The camera kit is 850g + 1,200 = 2,050g 4.5 pounds.
– H1+ = 890g, H2 = 1,200g with battery (same as CameTV Single) .
– Motors are strong, you can man handle this thing by making exposure changes and it never freaks out like the Nebula 4000 Lite.
– You get used to the tool-less design really fast!
– Inverted: Just turn the handle up side and power on gimbal.
– On Switch: Takes a little while to get used it but it will not turn on by itself.
– Wires: no exposed wires like the H1+.
– Heat: the H1+ motors run hot, the H2 motors feel cool.
– Poles: 22 pole H2 vs 14 poles H1+
– Power on: with encoders they always remember where home is, where the h1 you need to correct it sometimes.
– 32bit Alexmos with Triple-MCU technology
– High playload motor with Encoder technology.
– Tool-less design
– 360° Yaw (no limitation) H1+ has a limitation.
– 4-way joystick
– Detachable handle
– 3 x ¼“ screw holes (one on each side and on bottom of the handle)
– 5 pre-configured profiles (Follow Mode, Pitch Lock, Full Lock, Follow Roll and Home move)
– Auto-Invert-Mode (all profiles can be also used in this condition)
– Roll axis 180° turnable, to mount cameras with flip screen
– Integrated 4S Li-Po battery with a operation time of more then 26hrs
– Status LED for power and battery level
– Integrated Bluetooth module for remote control
– Firmware to 2.58 b7 ENCODERS version
– Should you get the H2 or H1+? I would get the H2
– Should you upgrade from the H1+ to the H2? That is a hard one to answer, I am not sure what I am going to do. If you have IBIS they are both similar with my currently level of gimbal experience. I am thinking about selling the H1+ plus.