Artemis Workshops in Chicago and Los Angeles

Sachtler, part of Vitec Videocom, a Vitec Group company, announces two upcoming artemis camera stabilizer system workshops in the US. The first will be held in Chicago from September 25 to 29 at Atomic Imaging, Inc. studios. On December 5 to 8 the course will be held at RED Studios in Los Angeles.

The 4-day basic camera stabilizer system workshop is designed to guide attendees through setup of the modular artemis camera stabilizer system and its use in providing smooth camera moves in cinema and video productions.

The workshops begin with a theoretical introduction to basic professional operating and a presentation of the entire system. The program encompasses the professional configuration of the sled, vest and spring arm and provides valuable hands-on experience in practical situations. To perfect walking and dolly shots, special operation and walking techniques are taught and intensively practiced in the workshop under expert supervision. In-depth exercises, matched to the interests of the participants, complete the course. Additionally, the workshop participants will be prepared for the use of related tools like wireless lens controls, etc.

Artemis developer Curt O. Schaller will be on hand to personally guide workshop attendees through the basics of filming with the versatile Sachtler artemis camera stabilizer systems. And as head of Sachtler’s artemis development team, Schaller is in an excellent position to describe the latest innovations built into the artemis products, as well as what to expect in stabilizer designs in the future.

To learn more about the theory and practice of filming with artemis camera stabilizer systems and to register for workshops contact: [email protected] Additional information about the workshops is available at

Wendelin Sachtler Academy
The artemis workshops are presented under the mantle of The Wendelin Sachtler Academy, which is located in Eching, Germany. Since its founding in 2005, numerous film and video workshops have been staged with international attendance. Even Oscar laureates gladly visit the Academy in Eching because everyone enjoys the flair of easy knowledge transfer. Key to the appeal of academy workshops is that participants can train with their own, familiar equipment or try out professional equipment supplied to the workshops by Sachtler.

For more information visit or contact: Sachtler, 16 Progress Drive, Shelton CT 06484, Phone: 1 203-929-1100, Fax: 203-925-2684, Email: [email protected]

About Sachtler
Sachtler, founded in 1958 by cameraman Wendelin Sachtler, is a worldwide market leader for professional camera support systems for cinematography and television production, its name a symbol of top quality and reliability for decades. With an extensive range of camera support systems as well as a finely modulated product line of reportage lighting, Sachtler is the highly qualified partner for broadcast and film applications. Since 2000 Sachtler has been offering the artemis modular camera stabilizer system. With its numerous workshops and training sessions, the Wendelin Sachtler Academy has become a top address worldwide for invaluable know-how and the exchange of information, creating the ideal international platform for creative talents. Along with other leading brands in the broadcast and professional videographer industry, Sachtler is part of Vitec Videocom, a Vitec Group company.

source: LINK