The GBCT provides an all-encompassing approach to training and education which:
1. Provides its membership with updated information and training courses (some courses are open to non members).
2.Promotes top quality Trainee Schemes for Camera, Script Supervisors, DITs, 3D Stereo ACs and Grips. These Schemes are run at key stages throughout the year to provide productions with trainees in the different roles as and when required.
3. Exemplifies a proactive work ethic that continually analyses industry developments so that all Guild training remains highly relevant, current and practical.
In addition, the GBCT is an active member of the Cine Guilds of Great Britain (CGGB) and the Moving Image Training Alliance (MITA)*. Because of its considerable experience of developing and running a variety of different training courses in the UK and overseas, the GBCT is able to design a jigsaw of courses for different levels of knowledge – not just in cinematography but across a host of the different specialist craft areas that are covered by members of the Cine Guilds.
If you are interested in attending a Guild training course specifically aimed at current practitioners, please regularly check the Home Page of GBCT website.
The CGGB (Cine Guilds of Great Britain) comprises the following organisations:
BSC – British Society of Cinematographers; GBCT – Guild of British Camera Technicians;
GLM – Guild of Location Managers; GBFTE – Guild of British Film and Television Editors;
BFDG – British Film Designers Guild; AMPS – Association of Motion Picture Sound;
GSAC – Guild of Stunt and Action Coordinators; NASMAH – National Association of Screen Make-Up

… The GBCT brings together the very best of the best talent available… The care, committment and quality of cinematography
– through progress and innovation –
One-to-One Steadicam Workshops
This is a two-day intensively practical and flexible short course aimed at camera operators who want to know more about steadicam, camera assistants stepping up – or any experienced camera technician who wants to know how to operate Steadicam and explore how best to use this vital piece of equipment safely and correctly. All equipment, tuition and appropriate insurance cover is included in any price quoted and is only available at the time of booking.
more info: LINK